If you come to Dniepro for a business meeting and did not plan to stay for the night, take advantage of a Special Offer from AXELHOF BOUTIQUE HOTEL.
With the day rate "Business in Axelhof" You will be able to rest comfortably in the room, take a refreshing shower, bring thoughts in order to prepare for an important meeting or event.
You can spend a business lunch or dinner in the Аxelhof Bar&Сafe without leaving the Hotel.
Day rate "Business in Axelhof" is valid from 10:00 to 22:00 from Monday to Friday.
Day rate "Business in Axelhof" includes:
Accommodation in chosen room from 10:00 to 22:00 from Monday to Friday.
Wi Fi Internet.
Room rate and avialability check with the reservation department.
We are happy to reserve a room for You by the phone
+38 (056) 744 0707 or e-mail: info@axelhofhotel.com
The promotion is valid for bookings performed on the website or via the Hotel reservation department by phone or e-mails.
At Day rate "Business in Axelhof" action does not apply to personal discounts.